5 signs that your child custody and parenting plan is broken

If you emerged from your Pennsylvania divorce with child custody arrangements that worked for your co-parent, your children and yourself, then you are fortunate! It is rare for all parties to be 100% pleased with a Pennsylvania custody and parenting plan.

However, your family may reach a point where once-effective custody agreements begin to fail. Do not worry too much if this happens. Children grow and change, and so do their parents, meaning that sooner or later, new arrangements are often necessary.

How can you tell if your custody plan no longer works?

One of the first signs of a broken or ineffective custody plan is complaints from your children. As they get older, they will require less time with their parents and may begin asking for changes. The factors below may also signal the need for change:

  • Your children want to spend more time with their peers.
  • Your child custody agreement is several years old.
  • You find yourself arguing with your co-parent about custody or parenting time.
  • Your baby or toddler is now old enough for preschool and peer-involved activities.
  • Your older kids are about to age out of the child custody system and begin their adult lives.

You may believe that you can only modify court orders if you or your spouse has lost a job or suffered a financial crisis. However, Philadelphia courts also approve modifications that preserve the best interests of children. They may approve such requests even without a significant change in your financial circumstances. Learning more about the child custody laws and requirements in our state can also help you find a solution.