Collaborative divorce may be a quicker solution

Residents of Rockledge and other areas of Pennsylvania might want to learn more about the process of collaborative divorce. Without the need for divorce court, you and your spouse may be able to work things out more smoothly and in less time.

What is a collaborative divorce?

In collaborative divorce, you and your spouse will negotiate an agreement with the help of a professional. Time with the professional is not as lengthy as with a regular divorce attorney on each side; the conflict and drama of each spouse trying to maximize their winnings does not happen.

Disputes might arise over child custody or spousal support, but you may see resolution with the help of a mediator. Collaborative divorce benefits children because it helps reduce conflict between their parents.

Contact with family court may be brief

The family court judge will need to sign the agreement that you reach. Because of collaboration efforts preventing the need for hearings, litigation or trial, the time spent with the court will be brief and manageable. Therefore, this process is quicker and less expensive.

How are couples helped with collaboration?

A collaborative divorce has many benefits for those who want to avoid a courtroom. The advantages include the following:

  • Expenses are less than with court divorces.
  • There is less drama and stress.
  • Parents can find stability through a temporary agreement.
  • Information is exchanged voluntarily.
  • The agreement is simpler, and procedures are less expensive.
  • Both parties negotiate a settlement that works for them.
  • Agreement will be in place for how they handle post-divorce issues.

It might be wise to consider a collaborative divorce to save time, expenses, stress and dignity for those involved. The couple’s children may be the people who benefit the most because they see the divorce process as less adversarial and more inclined to provide a happier future.