Can you divorce someone you still care about?

Letting go of your spouse may be the kind and considerate thing to do. Despite your desire to stay together, that may not be enough to keep each other happy. The thought of divorcing your partner, whom you still care about, can be heart-wrenching, making you hesitant to proceed.

Yet, deep down, you might already know that you both deserve the opportunity to grow and find happiness, even if that means going your separate ways.

Taking the path to a respectful farewell

You deeply care for your spouse and only wish them well. However, no matter how you look at it, the two of you are not on the same page. You do not grow together and are possibly holding each other back.

After earnest efforts to rekindle your connection have failed, continuing to force the relationship could be unhealthy for you both. Love stories end, and accepting this may be the best way forward.

Divorce does not require anger and resentment. Many couples can go through the process amicably, and you can, too.

See the benefits of a collaborative divorce

The affection and regard you still have for each other may help facilitate a divorce that respects both your needs. Instead of putting yourselves through potentially hostile court proceedings, you and your spouse can engage in a collaborative divorce.

Here is why you should consider collaborative divorce:

  • Greater control over the outcome instead of leaving decisions that affect your future up to the judge
  • Access to an attorney who will guide you through the process and advocate for your interests
  • Protect your children from the uncertainty and anxiety that often comes with lengthy divorce battles
  • Achieve a more cost-effective divorce settlement compared to traditional litigation

Taking on this path may allow you to work on finding solutions that mutually benefit you both and, ultimately, your children.

Choosing to lead separate lives does not mean you and your spouse have to hurt each other. Consider seeking legal counsel to better understand how collaborative divorce may help you finally move forward.