Some couples may want to protect privacy during divorce

For couples of a certain stature or those in the public eye, privacy of personal affairs may be of the utmost concern. When a couple becomes entangled in a court case, certain information may go from the private to the public domain. For some Pennsylvania couples, having private information become public during a divorce may be something they wish to avoid if at all possible.

Court hearings pertaining to divorce are part of public record and, in actuality, any member of the public can attend a divorce hearing and afterward discuss the details of that public hearing. If issues such as alimony, asset allocation and custody issues are dealt with at a public hearing, the facts and numbers presented can be accessed by the public. For couples who are protective of information concerning their wealth and assets, this can be embarrassing or generally distressing. It may also have a negative effect on children.

When one parent sues another in the form of a tort claim related to a divorce, such as suing for damages related to passing along a sexually transmitted disease, this information can also enter the public domain. For those concerned with their professional and personal reputations, this kind of information may be damaging in untold ways. The release of any and all information made public at a hearing is something all parties may want to consider as a divorce moves forward.

One way to ensure privacy as a Pennsylvania couples proceeds with a divorce is to learn more about what information can and will be shared and what information may be kept private. Another method for ensuring privacy during a divorce is to work toward a settlement as a way of resolving certain matters, such as finances, alimony or asset distribution. An experienced legal professional may be able to help couples navigate a settlement that works in favor of all involved.

Source: Forbes, “Protecting Privacy In A Divorce“, Russ Alan Prince, Dec. 8, 2014