The decision to adopt is just the first step for a family that wishes to grow. The adoption process is highly unique and each case presents challenges unlike any other. This means that any Pennsylvania family pursuing adoption should understand that individual attention for its case is not just a luxury, but a necessity.
In Pennsylvania, the process varies for each county. This means having legal representation who understands the rules and laws for that particular county is a must. The first step in the adoption process usually entails having the birth parent or parents’ consent and having their parental rights terminated. Handling this portion of an adoption in a sensitive and non-confrontational way is best for all involved.
One unique type of adoption, which requires experienced and insightful representation, is same-sex adoption. The goal is to handle these types of cases with the same approach, and assurance of the same rights, as any heterosexual couple expects. A same-sex partner of a biological parent of a child may seek to adopt or both partners may be prospective adoptive parents, as the situation varies from couple to couple.
Adoption is an emotional journey for anyone involved. Having clear guidance and support from a legal representative who is up-to-date on the laws of the Pennsylvania county in which the adoption is to take place, and who is also sensitive to the importance of the case is best for all. Our firm has helpful information about adoption and explanations of how we can help families navigate the adoption process in Pennsylvania available on our website.