Communication tips for co-parents after divorce

Whenever a couple splits and still needs to co-parent, there may be bumps in the road or difficult issues to work out. When a couple who has gone through divorce find themselves in a co-parenting challenge, following a few tips may help ease the transition. Pennsylvania parents who adopt communication tips may also be able to head off any new disputes that may necessitate legal intervention.

One vital tip is to look at a partner in parenting as a partner and not as an ex-spouse. This may mean deliberately looking at the other parent as a business associate of sorts. One recent tip is to use a business or work inspired form of civility as parenting between two people is just like a job.

Treating the other party with a modicum of respect and kindness can also be a useful way to navigate issues or defuse situations that may lead to legal intervention. Despite past relationships or marital strife, one tip is to realize those feelings and reactions are part of the past and not related to the present situation. If there are any contentious issues, such as with child support, dealing with a legal party instead of directly with the ex-spouse may be the best course of action.

While there may be many unforeseen issues that crop up after a divorce, how Pennsylvania couples deal with these issues can impact the health and happiness of all involved, including any children. Both parties may benefit from learning more about effective communication skills. If communication is not working or garnering results for either party, legal intervention, sooner rather than later, may be warranted.

Source:, “Want a better co-parenting relationship? Tips on talking to your ex”, Jackie Pilossoph, April 24, 2014