Divorce can make holidays difficult for Pennsylvania families

When someone goes through a divorce, even when it is completely amicable, there is typically a period of adjustment and decision making for the people involved. Pennsylvania couples in the midst of divorce or facing their first holiday season and New Year as newly divorced may benefit from some universal tips. While each family is different in how they deal with divorce, the following tips may help anyone who is dealing with divorce issues, such as decisions over property division, child visitation, or social situations.

One tip given is to lower expectations of the perfect holiday. Some outside influences can set people up for unrealistic expectations or make them think of traditions or events they had as a family. Staying active and social is another tip for dealing with divorce decisions. Interacting with others is advised if someone is in the midst of changing households or if they are spending time without the child during the season.

With the help of technology, those who are struggling to make the holiday somewhat normal can use the internet to do their shopping, errands, and communicating with children while they are with the other parent. One other tip is to be clear about what can be handled and what can’t. If a gathering is too stressful or a new residence isn’t fitting or big enough for the holiday event planned, it may help to simply explain that.

The holiday season has a reputation of being a tough time for anyone going through a crisis, challenge or substantial change due to divorce. As with any divorce issues confronting Pennsylvania families, the process is unique. Nevertheless, the decisions that need to be made can impact holiday schedules for everyone. It may be helpful to seek assistance from others who may have gone through a similar adjustment or those who can help ensure your best interests are being looked after during a divorce. In some instances, options such as mediation or a collaborative divorce provide a reasonable framework for resolving ongoing legal issues.

Source: blackchristiannews.com, Tips for Getting Through the Holidays After Divorce or Loss, No author, Nov. 30, 2013